Salon D'Automne 2024 Paris
The painting "The fairy in the rose garden" was in the exhibition "Salon D'Automne 2024 Paris" in Paris from the 22 of october to the 27 of october 2024.
Maleriet "Feen i Rosen haven" var en del af udstillingen "Salon D'Automne 2024 Paris" i Paris fra den 22. oktober til den 27. oktober 2022.
Atelie Agerbo is a little Atelier where I, Malouca Metthe Agerbo, works with my visual oil paintings. Are you in need of a poster, an oil painting or something completely different? I will gladly help you out with a beautiful piece of art. I have a lot of artistic expression, and creative development is a high priority for me. As a passionate and detail oriented artist, you are guaranteed a product of the highest standards.
The Gallery / Galleri
Posters / Plakater
Atelie Agerbo: A place with Fantasy and Romantic Art
I am inspired by Fantasy Art and Romantic Art from the Victorian Era. I find inspiration from the old Myths of the Fairies, Elves, Unicorns and Dragons and sometimes from the Norse Myth. As a Visual Oilpainter, I have always known that I had a story to tell. My art is a way for me to tell my story to the world. My art is not something you see every day because my style is my very own. I began my career back in 2001, and I am therefore very experienced. My art is unique and innovative. That is why you can always recognize my art from other artists.
Endless opportunities
Whether you are just beginning out making art or are an experienced painter yourself. I can always answer any questions about art and my works you might have. When it comes to my work, the opportunities are endless. If you are interested in making an exhibition with Malouca Metthe Agerbo’s unique original oil paintings, you are more than welcome to do so as I always want to showcase my work. Do you want to make a special, custom order? I also do paintings for my customers. If you are interested in my work or have , you are always welcome to contact me.
Atelie Agerbo: Et sted med fantasi og romantisk kunst
Jeg er inspireret af fantasykunst og romantisk kunst fra den victorianske æra. Jeg finder inspiration i de gamle myter om feer, elvere, enhjørninger og drager, og nogle gange fra den nordiske mytologi. Som visuel oliemaler har jeg altid vidst, at jeg havde en historie at fortælle. Min kunst er en måde for mig at fortælle min historie til verden. Min kunst er ikke noget, man ser hver dag, fordi min stil er helt min egen. Jeg begyndte min karriere tilbage i 2001 og er derfor meget erfaren. Min kunst er unik og innovativ. Derfor kan du altid genkende min kunst fra andre kunstnere.
Uendelige muligheder
Uanset om du lige er begyndt at lave kunst eller selv er en erfaren maler, kan jeg altid besvare eventuelle spørgsmål om kunst og mine værker, som du måtte have. Når det kommer til mit arbejde, er mulighederne uendelige. Hvis du er interesseret i at lave en udstilling med Malouca Metthe Agerbos unikke originale oliemalerier, er du mere end velkommen til det, da jeg altid ønsker at vise mit arbejde frem. Vil du lave en særlig, skræddersyet bestilling? Jeg laver også malerier for mine kunder. Hvis du er interesseret i mit arbejde, er du altid velkommen til at kontakte mig.